Thursday, September 5, 2013

God wants the best of us not what is left of us….

God wants the best of us not what is left of us….
My husband has been asking for 2 weeks now what I want for my birthday.  I finally told him last night that I had decided I wanted a quiet day with my 3 guys just enjoying the day…no cell phones ringing, no TV, no internet…just my 3 guys, the mountains and lots of laughs.  He kind of laughed and said “Really?”  I want to get up and fix our favorite pancakes with buttermilk syrup, pack a picnic lunch and head to Sky Top Apple Orchard.  I’m starting to realize that we enjoy each other as a family so much more when life slows down and we just enjoy each other.
 I can remember standing in the camper this past weekend looking at my husband and boys playing UNO and thinking…that is what God wants for us.  He wants us to slow down and love each other without the outside world to interfere.  I’m so guilty of getting caught up in work, cleaning the house, cooking and so on and so on that sometimes I don’t stop to enjoy the little things about my boys or my husband.  Just last night Zack was talking to Jeff and I before bed…in the still of the night, no TV, no outside distractions… about an overweight child in his class.  He said that he felt so sorry for him when he saw him trying to fit in the swings and said he didn’t have many friends.  I of course asked “Well you play with him, right?”  He immediately answered yes and followed with “Mama, I want to make sure we invite him to my birthday but I don’t want to have a lot of sports games that he can’t do.”  Zack has such a compassionate heart and I pray that the Lord allows me to foster that.  I know He has big plans for that heart!! 
So use this weekend to start slowing down.  See what you discover in your family when you take the time to focus on the little things.  I will be soaking in the sunlight, picking apples, eating apple cider doughnuts and enjoying my 3 guys.

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